Custom holiday gift kit complete with a limited edition toy figurine.
The Challenge
Our brand story came to life over the span of almost a year. We factored in everything, from when our dream began, to how every office location along the way influenced our culture. So, the initial challenge in formulating our story wasn’t that we didn’t have enough history and inspiration to tell it. Rather, it was composing a brand story that entertained while also exemplifying who we are and what we do best. Once the story was written, we knew the delivery had to be great.
We pride ourselves at just how far we are able to push the creative envelope for all of the brands we work on, including our own. With that, the next challenge was to present our brand story in a way that was thoughtful, engaging, and undoubtedly entertaining. It also needed to be tangible, so a three-dimensional approach was the way to go.
Want to learn more? Please click the button below to read what we learned in bringing Able 6 from concept to reality.
The Solution
The holiday gift kit theme centered on the idea of a box containing TOP SECRET information supporting the space mission narrative within the brand story. We used a clear-coat, spot UV application on the logo (box exterior), and we used star constellations (box interior) to tie in themed elements of mystery and space.
All delivered kits included a custom-designed Holiday card that was placed into a black “Mission Brief” envelope. In addition, a Story Bonus card was placed into a black “You Have Been Selected” sleeve. When that sleeve is removed, a lid (with a cutout hole for retrieval) is revealed and access is granted to a limited edition Monkeytag Vault specimen, Able 6. The creation process for the holiday gift kit and the Able 6 figurine proved to not only be successful but to be a wonderful team learning experience, as well.
Award Winner: 2017 Silver ADDY Award
Award Winner: 2017 Communicator Award of Excellence
Award Winner: 2017 DFW AMA Marketer of the Year

The Story is in the Details
Our team worked hard on designing the artwork for Able 6, our story’s lead character. Able 6, along with the other collateral, was meticulously designed and constructed to securely fit within the holiday gift kit. This fitting was extremely important since the grand reveal bestowed an elaborate and engaging experience. With everything completed, we realized Able6 had become the “it factor” that would help solidify our brand and make our story memorable.